Every single time anyone says anything about shooting pool or makes any sort of pool table reference, I sing this song from the very first musical I fell deeply in love with. I have every song and word memorized. Ask me about it sometime.
Ten points if you watched all 4 minutes and 39 seconds. Ten more if you sang it along with me. Ten more if you know what he is saying (and what it means) at 2:42 - 2:51. I have no idea.

But seriously, look at that light. Wowzers. The picture is from the original listing for the house before we bought it, flouncy curtains and all. The greens and browns are even more vivid in real life. Nice. And it's right at my husband's head.

Anyway, we went ahead and bought a flush mounted light from Menards (this isn't the exact one we bought, but it looks like it!). Zach put in a dimmer too because it is our TV room, which is really nice for our movie nights. In fact, we liked the light so much we went back and bought 3 more for the upstairs bedrooms. They were even on clearance for $27! Deal. Matt also helped us uninstall the fan in the adjacent room and install one that matches this light. I'll show you that one later! It has a really nice mission/craftsman feel to it, and it's even in our ever beloved oil rubbed bronze too. Here's our much improved after shot with the hubs observing his handiwork.
Ten points if you continued down the rabbit hole and watched more Music Man videos with me while you read. I watched this one, this one, this one, and this one while I blogged. I may or may not have sang that last song out my window at night like that when I was in middle school... ♪♫ Goodnight my someone... ♫♪ Yep, I did. Can you tell I'm from Iowa? And the town we live now in may or may not resemble a not-so-modern-day River City, fourth of July celebration and all... if only we had a singing school board...
Okay, since you asked, one more for the road. This may or may not have been my ringtone shortly after I started dating my now-husband. I may also be clingy. Enjoy.